• There are a number of factors that will determine how quickly you begin to see results. Your consistency in combination with your daily habits and routines are the most important factors to consider when looking at results. Usually, within the first week of following the program, my clients find that they have an increase in energy and less exhaustion. Within four weeks, they notice and feel the progress they’ve made. I take a step-by-step approach that focuses on small victories. You will feel better and healthier each week, and eventually reach a point that you never imagined over the course of weeks and months!

    I also consider what you were doing prior to working with me because I am focused on improving your lifestyle. I need to know if you have been sedentary, what your eating habits are like, and if you've been undereating, eating poorly, or yo-yo dieting. I also need to know if you have any health issues. I get an overview of your life so that I can establish the best path to your goals.

  • Many women tell me this when they first start working with me. I meet you exactly where you are at. The goal is to be comfortable enough with making small changes so that you can stay consistent and improve on your previous week's performance. My focus is on weekly victories that add up— this is what makes your goals reachable AND sustainable. Over time, your new habits will be so embedded in your day to day routine and this is life changing.

  • Absolutely Not! Many women judge their success (or lack thereof) based on the number on the scale. At Phasique Fitness, I say "F" the scale because it's just one metric for measuring progress. Real progress is about how you feel, not what you weigh. As long as you’re feeling good in your body and are liking what you are seeing in your progress photos, scales don’t matter!

  • First, taking your body to the next level requires more than just exercising a few times a week. Lets say you work out with a personal trainer or do a group fitness class for one hour a day, you are then left on your own in the remaining 23 hours of your day. Results require more than just working out. What you eat is important too and if your nutrition is not working synergistically with your workouts, progress will plateau and it will not work long term. Amazing transformations are a result of building daily habits and routines with a structured plan for your individual body and goals; simply understanding how to exercise does not guarantee that you will meet your physical goals.

    Secondly, group classes are designed to make you break a sweat vs. focusing on building lean muscle and losing the fat. Most group classes are predominately cardio based classes- doing movements very quickly, jumping, not understanding the benefit and reason why you are doing certain movements. Unfortunately, even if you are sweating and “feeling the burn”, this doesn’t always equal to results. At Phasique Fitness, I specialize in resistance training and we use cardio when necessary. This means we focus on gaining muscle and lowering the fat in the process of shrinking your body so you look strong and defined. Not only does this set you up for a fat burning metabolism, but when working synergistically with my holistic approach, you will finally achieve optimal day to day function (Have energy, better sleep, less stress on the body) and achieve results that you are proud of.

    Third, a woman who works at an office from 9-5, is going to have wildly different needs than a nurse. Just like a woman who is dealing with high stress will have completely different training needs than a woman who is trying to break through a fat loss plateau. At Phasique Fitness, I ensure every clients needs are met while implementing various methods and training phases, at specific times, for specific individuals, with their lifestyle and specific goals. 

    Lastly, my coaching teaches and practices holistic lifestyle adjustments. I understand the challenges that women face when it comes to getting in shape, and I am here to help you in those remaining 23 hours of your day so that your new lifestyle STICKS. We work closely together to reset old habits and learn new ones (Behavioural change). Aside from weekly check ins, you are welcome to send me a msg at any point if you need assistance or support. At check ins I assess your progress to date and provide you with next steps to complete the following week. I provide you with all the tools and education you need to give you the best outcomes.

  • Yes, and yes! Whatever you choose to do, I will make sure to adjust your program to fit your preferences.

  • This depends on you! You have the ability to achieve amazing results wherever you are, as long as you put in the work. If you will feel more motivated to do your workouts in the gym instead of at home, do them in the gym. If it’s easier for you to find time in your day when you are at home, do them at home. During Covid, most of our transformations were achieved at home with only a pair of dumbbells and resistance bands.

  • To start, all you need is yourself! However, the majority of my clients also begin with a few lengthy resistance and loop bands. As you continue, it would be beneficial if you could also obtain additional equipment, such as a pair of dumbbells. Some clients get creative and complete some of the workouts with their own furniture, such as an ottoman, a chair, and water bottles as weights.

    When you know which muscles you need to work, you can get creative at home. Your strategy will be based on the resources you have.

  • Between 30 min - 75 min in length.

  • The majority of my clients work out three to six times each week on average. This will be determined by your ability to commit and your desired outcomes.

  • Yes! The majority of my clients use a counting system that makes it simple to eat out while staying on track.